• Executive board

    President: Muhamed-Kheir Taha

    Muhamed-Kheir Taha MD, PhD, is a Research Director at the Institut Pasteur Paris, France where he heads the Invasive bacterial infections unit. His scientific interests are in the fields of molecular epidemiology of infectious diseases and the pathogenesis of meningococcal and Haemophilus influenzae disease. He also heads the French reference centers for meningococci and Haemophilus influenzae as well as the WHO collaborating contre for meningitis.

    Institut Pasteur
    28 rue du Dr Roux
    Paris 75724 cedex 15
    E-mail: muhamed-kheir.taha(at)pasteur.fr

    Vice-President: Anna Skoczyńska

    Anna Skoczyńska (PhD, assoc. prof.) is head of the Department of Epidemiology and Clinical Microbiology and head of the National Reference Centre for Bacterial Meningitis in the National Medicines Institute in Warsaw, Poland. Her research interests have been mainly focused on bacterial pathogens responsible for community-acquired invasive infections, Neisseria meningitidisStreptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae.Address:National Reference Centre for Bacterial Meningitis

    Department of Epidemiology and Clinical Microbiology
    National Medicines Institute
    Chełmska 30/34
    00-725 Warsaw, Poland
    E-mail: a.skoczynska(at)nil.gov.pl

    Secretary: Suzana Bukovski

    Assoc. Prof. Suzana Bukovski, MD, PhD is Head of the department of parasitology at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases „Dr Fran Mihaljević“. She is a specialist in the field of Microbiology from prevention through diagnosis and treatment, especially on field of rapid diagnostics of severe infective diseases with introduction of new methods.

    University Hospital for Infectious Diseases
    Ilica 106, Zagreb,10000,
    E-mail: suzana.bukovski(at)unicath.hr or sbukovski(at)bfm.hr

    Treasurer: Thiên-Trí Lâm

    Dr. med. Thiên-Trí Lâm is deputy head of the diagnostic department at the Institute for Hygiene Microbiology of the University of Würzburg and member of the German National Reference Laboratory for Meningococci and Haemophilus influenzae (NRZMHi). His research focus is on epidemiology and antibiotic resistance of invasive Haemophilus influenzae.

    Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology
    Josef-Schneider-Str. 2, E1
    97080 Würzburg
    E-mail: thien-tri.lam(at)uni-wuerzburg.de